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Guacamoleweed – Guacamole met rauwe cannabis
Vandaag hebben we Guacamoleweed gemaakt! 🥑

Een traditionele guacamole maar een met een speciale twist: Rauwe cannabis (Guacamoleweed), het superfood dat je niet wilt missen in je dieet! In de afgelopen jaren gebruiken veel mensen rauwe cannabis voor medicinale doeleinden, omdat de actieve chemische verbindingen vele voordelen kan hebben op je gezondheid, zelfs als THC niet wordt verwarmd. THC die verwarmd wordt geeft psychoactieve effecten. Ja, het betekent dat je niet high wordt als je rauwe cannabis consumeert 😉
Maar pas op, als de Guacamoleweed blootstelling heeft aan zonlicht of zelfs opslag bij hoge kamertemperatuur na verloop van tijd 
Today we made Guacamoleweed! 🥑

A traditional guacamole with a special edition: Raw cannabis, the superfood you don’t wanna miss on your diet!
In recent years, many people are using raw cannabis for medicinal purposes on the premise that the active chemical compounds have unique health benefits even if they are not being heated to release the THC who causes the psychoactive effects. Yeah, it means you won’t get high 😉

Some people tend to become flustered when too much THC is consumed, experiencing heart palpitations, anxiety and paranoia. Consuming raw cannabis lets them enjoy many of the plant’s benefits without having these side effects!
So what are these benefits?
Raw cannabis not only contains fiber, calcium, and iron, but also contains over 100 different cannabinoids. Usually it doesn’t provide instantaneous symptom relief, although some effects can occur without delay. Cannabinoid acids get stored in fat tissue. It takes 4 to 8 weeks to fully saturate the fat tissues of a human body. Once the fat tissue has fully absorbed cannabinoid acids, the full medicinal effects of raw cannabis start.
Cannabinoid acids exhibit beneficial anti-cancer qualities, but also diminish perceivable pain levels and reduce inflammation. It has a blocking effect on the GPR55 cellular receptors, which is a receptor heavily involved in cancer cell creation and proliferation (the rapid duplication of cancerous cells).
So if you are growing, don’t throw the leaves you cut away, add them to your salads, soups, smoothies and practically anything as far as your hungry imagination takes you!
You can also order a mix of raw cannabis both with leaves and flowers from us >> WhatsApp: 0613591490 | E-mail: info@wietoliepuur.nl
We finished the guacamole all at once
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